教师姓名 |
赵纯林 |
学科 |
材料科学与工程 |
联系方式 |
电话: |
E-mail:[email protected] |
个人主页: |
个人简历 |
2021.11~至今,靠谱的网赌平台 ,校聘副教授 2021.01~2021.11,靠谱的网赌平台 ,讲师 2017.09~2020.06,四川大学靠谱的网赌平台 ,材料物理与化学,博士 2014.09~2017.06,四川大学靠谱的网赌平台 ,材料工程,硕士 2010.09~2014.06,西南科技大学靠谱的网赌平台 ,材料物理,学士 |
社会兼职 |
教学情况 |
研究领域 |
电卡材料与电卡制冷技术、铁电与压电功能陶瓷、半导体用结构陶瓷等。 |
科研项目 |
现主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(12104093)、福建省自然科学基金青创项目(2021J05122)、企业合作项目(半导体用陶瓷研发)各1项。 |
论著成果 |
(1) Yanli Huang, Chunlin Zhao*, Bo Wu, Xianzeng Zhang*. Grain size effects and structure origin in high-performance BaTiO3-based piezoceramics with large grains. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42(6): 2764-2771. (2) Yang Zhou, Rui Xiong, Peng Wang, Xiao Wu*, Baisheng Sa, Cong Lin, Min Gao, Tengfei Lin, Chunlin Zhao*. Strain and illumination triggered regulations of up-conversion luminescence in Er-doped Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 single bond BaTiO3/Mica flexible multifunctional thin films. Journal of Materiomics, 2021, //doi.org/10.1016/j.jmat.2021.12.002. (3) Chunlin Zhao, Yanli Huang, Jiagang Wu*. Multifunctional barium titanate ceramics via chemical modification tuning phase structure. InfoMat, 2020, 2(6): 1163-1190. (邀请综述) (4) Chunlin Zhao, Junlin Yang, Yanli Huang, Xihong Hao,* Jiagang Wu*. Broad-temperature-span and large electrocaloric effect in lead-free ceramics utilizing successive and metastable phase transitions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(44): 25526-25536. (5) Chunlin Zhao, Bo Wu, Jiagang Wu*. Composition-driven broad phase boundary for optimizing properties and stability in lead-free barium titanate ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102(6): 3477-3487. (6) Chunlin Zhao, Zhenwei Li, Jiagang Wu*. Role of trivalent acceptors and pentavalent donors in colossal permittivity of titanium dioxide ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(14): 4235-4243. (7) Chunlin Zhao, Jie Yin, Yanli Huang, Jiagang Wu*. Polymorphic characteristics challenging electrical properties in lead-free piezoceramics. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48(30): 11250-11258. (8) Chunlin Zhao, Haijun Wu,* Fei Li, Yongqing Cai, Yang Zhang, Dongsheng Song, Jiagang Wu,* Xiang Lyu, Jie Yin, Dingquan Xiao, Jianguo Zhu, Stephen J. Pennycook*. Practical High Piezoelectricity in Barium Titanate Ceramics Utilizing Multiphase Convergence with Broad Structural Flexibility. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140(45): 15252-15260. (9) Chunlin Zhao, Bo Wu, Ke Wang,* Jing-Feng Li, Dingquan Xiao, Jianguo Zhu, Jiagang Wu*. Practical high strain with superior temperature stability in lead-free piezoceramics through domain engineering. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(46): 23736-23745. (10) Chunlin Zhao, Jiagang Wu*. Effects of secondary phases on the high-performance colossal permittivity in titanium dioxide ceramics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(4): 3680-3688. (11) Chunlin Zhao, Bo Wu, Hao-Cheng Thong, Jiagang Wu*. Improved temperature stability and high piezoelectricity in lead-free barium titanate-based ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(16): 5411-5419. (12) Bing Han, Chunlin Zhao (共同一作), Zhi-Xiang Zhu,* Xin Chen, Yu Han, Duan Hu, Mao-Hua Zhang, Hao Cheng Thong, Ke Wang*. Temperature-insensitive piezoelectric performance in Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.42Sn0.02Nb0.04)O3 ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(39): 34078-34084. (13) Zhuang Liu, Chunlin Zhao (共同一作), Jing-Feng Li, Ke Wang, Jiagang Wu*. Large strain and temperature-insensitive piezoelectric effect in high-temperature piezoelectric ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6(3): 456-463. (14) Chunlin Zhao, Wenjuan Wu, Hui Wang, Jiagang Wu*. Site engineering and polarization characteristics in (Ba1−yCay)(Ti1−xHfx)O3 lead-free ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 119(2): 024108. (15) Chunlin Zhao, Hui Wang, Jie Xiong*, Jiagang Wu*. Composition-driven phase boundary and electrical properties in (Ba0.94Ca0.06)(Ti1–xMx)O3 (M=Sn, Hf, Zr) lead-free ceramics. Dalton Transactions, 2016, 45(15): 6466-6480. (16) Chunlin Zhao, Yimeng Feng, Huaping Wu, Jiagang Wu*. Phase boundary design and high piezoelectric activity in (1-x)(Ba0.93Ca0.07)TiO3-xBa(Sn1-yHfy)O3 lead-free ceramics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 666: 372-379. |