序号 | 论文/著作题目 | 类别1:福州大学为第一署名单位申报者 | 类别2:合作论文 申报者 | 刊物名称 | ISSN刊号 | 学科类别 | ||||||||
第一作者/通讯作者 (中文姓名) | 第一作者/通讯作者单位 | 申报者姓名(中文) | 单位排名 | EI | 国家一级 | |||||||||
一区 | 二区 | 三区 | 四区 | |||||||||||
1 | Ethanol oxidation on Pd/C promoted with CaSiO3 in alkaline medium | 陈惠/张腾 | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 0013-4686 | √ | |||||||||
2 | Reducing the interfacial reaction between boro silicate sealant and yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte by addition of HfO2 | 陈顺润/张腾 | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 0955-2219 | √ | |||||||||
3 | Interaction between gadolinia-doped ceria electrolyte and sealing glass-ceramics | 方丽花/张腾 | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 0955-2219 | √ | |||||||||
4 | A New Composite Support for Pd Catalysts for Ethylene Glycol Electrooxidation in Alkaline Solution: Effect of (Ru,Sn)O-2 solid solution | 李文良/张腾 | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 0013-4686 | √ | |||||||||
5 | Effect of HfO2 on the compatibility of borosilicate sealing glasses for solid oxide fuel cells application | 刘鸿琳/张腾 | RSC ADVANCES | 2046-2069 | √ | |||||||||
6 | Tuning the Interfacial Reaction Between Bismuth-Containing Sealing Glasses and Cr-Containing Interconnect: Effect of ZnO | 张琪/张腾 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 0002-7820 | √ | |||||||||
7 | Development of the CaO-SrO-ZrO2-B2O3-SiO2 sealing glasses for solid oxide fuel cell applications: structure-property correlation | 张琪/张腾 | RSC ADVANCES | 2046-2069 | √ | |||||||||
8 | Carbon Nanotubes with Tailored Density of Electronic States for Electrochemical Applications | 詹红兵 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces | 1944-8244 | 工程技术 | √ | ||||||||
9 | Geometry-dependent electrochemistry of graphene oxide family | 詹红兵 | Electrochemistry Communications | 1388-2481 | 工程技术 | √ | ||||||||
10 | Broadband nonlinear optical and optical limiting effects of partially unzipped carbon nanotubes | 詹红兵 | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 2050-7526 | 工程技术 | √ | ||||||||
11 | A glucose biosensor based on partially unzipped carbon nanotubes | 詹红兵 | Talanta | 0039-9140 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
12 | Generation of nitrogen-doped photoluminescent carbonaceous nanodots via the hydrothermal treatment of fish scales for the detection of hypochlorite | 詹红兵 | RSC Adv. | 2046-2069 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
13 | Simultaneous removal of cations and anions from waste water by bifunctional mesoporous silica | 于岩(Yan Yu) | Applied Surface Science | 0169-4332 | √ | |||||||||
14 | Efficient simultaneous removal of Cu(II) and Cr2O72- from aqueous solution by a renewable amphoteric functionalized mesoporous silica, | 于岩(Yan Yu) | Chemical Engineering Journal | 1385-8947 | √ | |||||||||
15 | Synthesis and characterization of bifunctional mesoporous silica adsorbent for simultaneous removal of lead and nitrate ions | 于岩(Yan Yu) | Separation and purification technology | 1383-5866 | √ | |||||||||
16 | Simultaneous efficient adsorption of Pb2+and MnO4−ions by MCM-41 functionalized with amine and nitrilotriacetic acid anhydride | 于岩(Yan Yu) | Applied Surface Science | 0169-4332 | √ | |||||||||
17 | Time-dependent hormesis of chemical mixtures: A case study on sulfa antibiotics and a quorum-sensing inhibitor of Vibrio fischeri | 于岩(Yan Yu) | Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology | 1382-6689 | √ | |||||||||
18 | Influence of equivalent strain on microstructure and hardness of Cu-38Zn alloy subjected to cross groove pressing | 彭开萍 | Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment | 1009-6264 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
19 | Effects of solid-state reaction on electrical chemical properties of gd-doped CeO2 electrolyte and y-doped BaCeO3 electrolyte | 王静仁/彭开萍 | Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society | 0454-5648 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
20 | Preparation and electrical performance of La doped BaTiO3 materials | 刘宏光/彭开萍 | Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals | ISSN:1000-985X | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
21 | Synthesis, conductivity and photophysical properties of soluble low bandgap poly{(3-butyryl)pyrrole-[2,5-diyl(p-hydroxybenzylidene)]} | 李宝铭/李宝铭 | SYNTHETIC METALS | 0379-6779 | √ | |||||||||
22 | The electronic origin of shear-induced direct to indirect gap transition and anisotropy diminution in phosphorene | 萨百晟 | Nanotechnology | 0957-4484 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
23 | Polyhedral transformation and phase transition in TcO2 | 萨百晟 | RSC Advances | 2046-2069 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
24 | Manipulating carriers' spin polarization in the Heusler alloy Mn2CoAl | 北京航空航天大学 | 萨百晟 | 第二 | RSC Advances | 2046-2069 | 化学 | √ | ||||||
25 | Microstructure evolution of 7050 Al alloy during age-forming | 陈俊锋 | MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION | 1044-5803 | 材料表征 | √ | ||||||||
26 | 萘酰亚胺类电荷转移化合物能隙的理论研究 | 巫友雄/王炳喜 | 化学学报 | 0567-7351 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
27 | Preparation and application of porous nitrogen-doped graphene obtained by co-pyrolysis of lignosulfonate and graphene oxide | 赵海波/吕秋丰* | Bioresource Technology | 0960-8524 | 工程技术 | √ | ||||||||
28 | Dye-functionalized graphene/polyaniline nanocomposite as an electrode for efficient electrochemical supercapacitor | 陈果/吕秋丰* | Composites Science and Technology | 0266-3538 | 材料科学:复合 | √ | ||||||||
29 | Porous nitrogen-doped graphene/carbon nanotubes composite with an enhanced supercapacitor performance | 林婷婷/吕秋丰* | Electrochimica Acta | 0013-4686 | 工程技术 | √ | ||||||||
30 | Graphene-wrapped nitrogen-containing carbon spheres for electrochemical supercapacitor application | 林婷婷/吕秋丰* | Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis | 0165-2370 | 光谱学 | √ | ||||||||
31 | Nanocomposite of sulfonic polyaniline nanoarrays on graphene nanosheets with an improved supercapacitor performance | 赵海波/吕秋丰* | Chemistry - A European Journal | 0947-6539 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
32 | SnO2-decorated graphene/polyaniline nanocomposite for a high-performance supercapacitor electrode | 陈果/吕秋丰* | Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 1005-0302 | 冶金工程 | √ | ||||||||
33 | Controllable preparation and heavy-metal-ion adsorption of lignosulfonate-polypyrrole composite nanosorbent | 罗佳佳/吕秋丰* | Polymer Composites | 0272-8397 | 材料科学:复合 | √ | ||||||||
34 | 氮掺杂石墨烯的制备及应用 | 林婷婷/吕秋丰* | 功能材料 | 1001-9731 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
35 | 木质素-聚吡咯复合纳米粒子的制备及其Ag+吸附性能 | 罗佳佳/吕秋丰* | 高分子材料科学与工程 | 1000-7555 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
36 | 染料修饰氧化石墨烯/聚苯胺复合物的制备及性能 | 陈果/吕秋丰* | 高分子材料科学与工程 | 1000-7555 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
37 | Preparation and characterization of carbon foams from cyanate ester mixtures | 陈婷婷/林起浪 | Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis | 0165-2370 | 光谱学 | √ | ||||||||
38 | Improved sintering characteristics and microwave dielectric properties of CaLa4Ti4O15 ceramics with BiVO4 addition, | 黄旭/郑兴华 | 靠谱的网赌平台 | 郑兴华 | 1 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 0957-4522 | 工程技术 | √ | |||||
39 | Upconversion Effective Enhancement by Producing Various Coordination Surroundings of Rare-Earth Ions | 黄清明/俞建长 | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY | √ | ||||||||||
40 | Relationship between textures and deformation modes in Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy during uniaxial tension | 汪炳叔 | MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION | 1044-5803 | 材料科学 | √ | ||||||||
41 | AZ31镁合金在平面应变压缩过程中的孪生行为研究 | 汪炳叔 | 金属学报 | 0412-1961 | 材料科学 | √ | ||||||||
42 | Simulation of texture evolution and deformation mechanism in Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy during uniaxial compression | 汪炳叔 | SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES | 1674-7321 | 材料科学 | √ | ||||||||
43 | Stability and spinodal decomposition of the solid-solution phase in the ruthenium–cerium–oxide electro-catalyst | Yanmei Li/Xin Wang | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 1463-9076 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
44 | Phase stability and phase structure of Ru–Ti–O complex oxide electrocatalys | Xin Wang/Xin Wang | J. Am. Ceram. Soc. | 1551-2916 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
45 | Hardening of an Al0.3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy via high-pressure torsion and thermal annealing | 戴品强 | Materials Letter | 0167-577X | √ | |||||||||
46 | Phase Transformation and Aging Behavior of Al0.5CoCrFeNiSi0.2 High-Entropy Alloy | 戴品强 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE | 1059-9495 | √ | |||||||||
47 | Effect of stacking fault energy on microstructures and mechanical properties of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-Fe alloy | 戴品强 | 中国有色金属学报 | 1004-0609 | √ | |||||||||
48 | Al0.5CrCoFeNi 高熵合金高温氧化的研究 | 戴品强 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 1002-185X | √ | |||||||||
49 | Effects of Y addition on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Ce-Cu-Al-Nb bulk metallic glasses | 王晨 | 材料热处理学报 | 1009-6264 | 材料科学与工程 | √ | ||||||||
50 | Synthesis, characterization and electrochemistry of phosphine substituted derivatives with quinolyl-functionalized diiron | 温娜 | POLYHEDRON | 0277-5387 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
51 | Analysis of four cephalosporins in milk by capillary electrochromatography with O-cynaoethyl chitosan-coated open tubular column | Aixing Lü/Haixia Lü | Separation Science and Technology | 0149-6395 | 化学综合 | √ | ||||||||
52 | One-step synthesis of CDTA coated magnetic nanoparticles for selective removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solution | Haixia Lü | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | 0141-8130 | 应用化学 | √ | ||||||||
53 | β-环糊精接枝羧甲基壳聚糖吸附剂的制备及其性能 | 王晓明/吕海霞 | 环境工程学报 | 1673-9108 | √ | |||||||||
54 | Effects of annealing temperature on the structure and capacitive performance of nanoscale Ti / IrO 2- ZrO 2 electrodes | 第一 | 靠谱的网赌平台 | 邵艳群 | 1 | Journal of the American Ceramic Society | √ | |||||||
55 | 高比能量Ti/(Ir0.3Sn(0.7−x)Cex)O2电极材料的制备及其电化学性能 | 第一 | 靠谱的网赌平台 | 邵艳群 | 1 | 中国有色金属学报 | √ | √ | ||||||
56 | 退火温度对IrO2+ZrO2涂层结构和电容性能的影响 | 马晓磊 | 靠谱的网赌平台 | 邵艳群 | 1 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 1002-185X | √ | ||||||
57 | Effect of HCI Post-Treatment on Morphology of Hydrothermally Prepared Titanate Nanomaterials with Optical Limiting Properties | 史晨阳 冯苗 | 靠谱的网赌平台 | 冯苗 | 第一 | ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA | 1000-6818 | 物理化学 | √ | |||||
58 | AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5高熵合金的高温氧化行为 | 吴波/吴波 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 1002-185X | 材料学 | √ | ||||||||
59 | A theoretical prediction on CN6O: structure, stability and performance | 尉涛/吴波 | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS | 2052-1553 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
60 | Layered perovskite Sm1-xLaxBaFe2O5+delta as cobalt-free cathodes for IT-SOFCs | 何志平/黄晓巍 | RSC ADVANCES | √ | ||||||||||
61 | A High-Performance Hierarchical Graphene@Polyaniline@Graphene Sandwich Containing Hollow Structures for Supercapacitor Electrodes | 刘先斌/郑玉婴 | ACS sustainable chemistry enginerring | √ | ||||||||||
62 | Controllable Preparation of Polyaniline–Graphene Nanocomposite using Functionalized Graphene for Supercapacitor Electrodes | 刘先斌/郑玉婴 | Chemistry-A European journal | √ | ||||||||||
63 | Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembled GrapheneMultilayer Films via Covalent Bonds forSupercapacitor Electrodes | 刘先斌/郑玉婴 | Nanomaterials and nanotechnology | √ | ||||||||||
64 | Preparation of Mn–FeOx/CNTs catalysts by redox co-precipitation and application in low-temperature NO reduction with NH3 | 张延兵/郑玉婴 | Catalysis Communications | √ | ||||||||||
65 | Fabrication of Mn–CeOx/CNTs catalysts by a redox method and their performance in low-temperature NO reduction with NH3 | 张延兵/郑玉婴 | RSC Advances | √ | ||||||||||
66 | Fabrication of Mn-FeOx/CNTs Catalysts for Low-Temperature NO Reduction with NH3 | 张延兵/郑玉婴 | NANO: Brief Reports and Reviews | √ | ||||||||||
67 | One-step synthesis of ternary MnO2-Fe2O3-CeO2-Ce2O3/CNT catalysts for use in low-temperature NO reduction with NH3 | 张延兵/郑玉婴 | Catalysis Communications | √ | ||||||||||
68 | Low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO over carbon nanotubes supported MnO2 fabricated by co-precipitation method | 卢秀恋/郑玉婴 | Micro & Nano Letters | √ | ||||||||||
69 | Grafting Maleic Anhydride onto Carbon Fiber via a Solid.phase Grafting Method | 林国良/郑玉婴 | Struct.Chem. | √ | ||||||||||
70 | 功能化氧化石墨烯纳米带/EVA复合材料薄膜的制备及表征 | 郑玉婴 | 材料工程 | √ | ||||||||||
71 | 氧化石墨烯纳米带与氧化石墨烯增强热塑性聚氨酯薄膜的制备及性能 | 郑玉婴 | 高分子材料科学与工程 | √ | ||||||||||
72 | 一种基于磷杂菲基团的无卤阻燃剂的合成及其应用研究 | 郑玉婴 | 功能材料 | √ | ||||||||||
73 | 氧化石墨烯纳米带/TPU复合材料薄膜制备及性能表征 | 樊志敏/郑玉婴 | 功能材料 | √ | ||||||||||
74 | 不同形貌N-TiO2的水热合成及其光催化性能研究 | 周珺/郑玉婴 | 功能材料 | √ | ||||||||||
75 | 铕掺杂的TiO2 空心微球的制备及光催化性能 | 刘阳龙/郑玉婴 | 无机材料学报 | √ | ||||||||||
76 | 氧化石墨烯纳米带-碳纳米管/TPU复合材料薄膜的制备及表征 | 曹宁宁/郑玉婴 | 高分子学报 | 1000-3304 | √ | |||||||||
77 | 溅射功率对磁控溅射ZnO∶Al(ZAO)薄膜性能的影响 | 高立华/郑玉婴 | 功能材料 | √ | ||||||||||
78 | MnO2纳米空心球的制备及其电化学性能 | 汪晓莉/郑玉婴 | 化工学报 | √ | ||||||||||
79 | TPS/EVA泡沫复合材料的制备及其阻燃与力学性能 | 陈志杰/郑玉婴 | 化工学报 | √ | ||||||||||
80 | 功能氧化石墨烯/热塑性聚氨酯复合材料薄膜的制备及阻隔性能 | 樊志敏/郑玉婴 | 复合材料 | √ | ||||||||||
81 | 无卤阻燃乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物泡沫复合材料的制备及性能表 | 陈志杰/郑玉婴 | 复合材料 | √ | ||||||||||
82 | 不同螯合剂对镍铁催化层的结构与抗积碳性能的影响 | 汪宗源/张腾 | 材料热处理学报 | 1009-6264 | 材料学 | √ | ||||||||
83 | The influence of different titanium sources on flaky α-Al2O3 prepared by molten salt synthesis | 陈宏/林枞 | Ceramics International | 0272-8842 | √ | |||||||||
84 | Mechanism of Competitive Grain Growth in 8YSZ Splats Deposited by Plasma Spraying | 郑振环/李强 | zheng zhenhuan / Li Qiang | 李强 | 1 | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY | 1059-9630 | √ | ||||||
85 | Pt/FeSnO(OH)5: A Novel Supported Pt Catalyst for Catalytic Oxidation of Benzene | 俞瀚 | 硅酸盐学报 | 0454-5648 | 材料 | √ | ||||||||
86 | Kinetics of reactive of graphite by liquid Al and Cu-Si alloys | 张弟/朱定一 | Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 1003-6326 | √ | |||||||||
87 | Reactive wetting of Ni-Si alloys on graphite substrates: effects of Si and Ni | 王婷婷/朱定一 | RSC Advances | 2046-2069 | √ | |||||||||
88 | Fabrication of drug carrier polyvinyl alcohol/Chitosan composite nanofiber and its drug release | 崔志香/陈文哲 | 福州大学 | 陈文哲 | 1 | Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering | 185-190 | EI | ||||||
89 | 稀土离子(Eu(3+),Tb(3+),Ce(3+))掺杂ZnAl2O4SiO2微晶玻璃的制备与发光性能 | 崔祥水/陈文哲 | 福州大学 | 陈文哲 | 1 | 发光学报 | 1000-7032 | EI | ||||||
90 | Crystal Growth, Spectroscopic Properties and Energy Levels of Cr3+:Li2Mg2(MoO4)(3) | 潘坚福/李凌云 | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY | 0254-5861 | 化学 | √ | ||||||||
91 | Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Adsorption of Copper(II) onto a New Fe-Si Adsorbent | 于岩(Yan Yu) | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY | √ | ||||||||||
92 | Effect of Substituent Groups on the Syntheses of Two Ag Coordination Polymers Based on Tetrazole-yl Acylamide | 陈二霞 | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY | √ | ||||||||||
93 | Fabrication and experiment of a hydrophilic micromixer using optically clear adhesive tape | Lee, Chun-Che; Lee, Chun-Te | MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND##PROCESSING SYSTEMS | √ | ||||||||||
94 | Structure and Magnetic Properties of a New Oxohalogenide Compound Ba7CoV6O21CI4 | 王楠楠 | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY | √ | ||||||||||
95 | Growth and properties characterization of Pb(Yb<inf>1/2</inf>Nb<inf>1/2</inf>)O<inf>3</inf>- Pb(Zn<inf>1 | 林啟维 | Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals | √ | ||||||||||
96 | Low-temperature synthesis and luminescent properties of Sr2ZnSi2O7:Eu3+ | 李湘祁 | Faguang Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Luminescence | √ | ||||||||||
97 | Preparation and luminescent properties of Eu3+ Doped ZnAl2O4/SiO2 glass-ceramics | 陈文哲 | Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals | √ |