序号 | 标题 | 期刊 | 影响因子 | 发表年度 | 作者 | 论文类型 | 分区 |
1 | High performance nanostructured bismuth oxide-cobaltite as a durable oxygen electrode for reversible solid oxide cells | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 10.733 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 1 |
2 | Suppressed Sr segregation and performance of directly assembled La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta oxygen electrode on Y2O3-ZrO2 electrolyte of solid oxide electrolysis cells | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES | 7.467 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 1 |
3 | Capacitive behavior and material characteristics of congo red doped poly (3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 5.383 | 2018 | 李宝铭 | SCI | 2 |
4 | Porous NaTi2(PO4)(3) nanoparticles coated with a thin carbon layer for sodium-ion batteries with enhanced rate and cycling performance | MATERIALS LETTERS | 3.019 | 2018 | 蔡道平 | SCI | 3 |
5 | The preparation of calcium pimelate modified OMMT from natural Camontmorillonite and its application as beta-nucleating agent for polypropylene | POLYMer TESTING | 2.943 | 2018 | 郑玉婴 | SCI | 2 |
6 | Effect of Ti and C additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the FeCoCrNiMn high-entropy alloy | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING | 4.081 | 2018 | 戴品强 | SCI | 2 |
7 | Nb and Pd co-doped La0.57Sr0.38Co0.19Fe0.665Nb0.095Pd0.05O3-delta as a stable, high performance electrode for barrier-layer-free Y2O3-ZrO2 electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES | 7.467 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 1 |
8 | Active, durable bismuth oxide-manganite composite oxygen electrodes: Interface formation induced by cathodic polarization | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES | 7.467 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 1 |
9 | Bimetallic CoNiSx nanocrystallites embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon anchored on reduced graphene oxide for high-performance supercapacitors | NANOSCALE | 6.97 | 2018 | 蔡道平 | SCI | 1 |
10 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of a novel refractory AlNbTiZr high-entropy alloy | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 1.938 | 2018 | 戴品强 | SCI | 3 |
11 | Partially fluorinated poly(arylene ether)s bearing long alkyl sulfonate side chains for stable and highly conductive proton exchange membranes | JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE | 7.015 | 2018 | 陈栋阳 | SCI | 1 |
12 | MnO2-Fe2O3 catalysts supported on polyphenylene sulfide filter felt by a redox method for the low-temperature NO reduction with NH3 | CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS | 3.674 | 2018 | 郑玉婴 | SCI | 3 |
13 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of FeCoCrNiMn high-entropy alloy produced by mechanical alloying and vacuum hot pressing sintering | TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA | 2.338 | 2018 | 戴品强 | SCI | 2 |
14 | Electrospinning and crosslinking of polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan composite nanofiber for transdermal drug delivery | ADVANCES IN POLYMer TECHNOLOGY | 2.663 | 2018 | 陈文哲 | SCI | 3 |
15 | A high efficiency and rapid adsorbent for removing sunset yellow FCF by amine-modified microporous polymer | DESALINATION AND WATer TREATMENT | 1.234 | 2018 | 吕海霞 | SCI | 4 |
16 | Understanding the improved stability and reduced thermal conductivity of yttria stabilized zirconia: A combined experimental and atomistic modeling study | COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE | 2.644 | 2018 | 吴波 | SCI | 3 |
17 | Thin CuOx-based nanosheets for efficient phenol removal benefitting from structural memory and ion exchange of layered double oxides | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 10.733 | 2018 | 庄赞勇 | SCI | 1 |
18 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of plasma sprayed Al2O3-YSZ composite coatings | VACUUM | 2.515 | 2018 | 李强 | SCI | 3 |
20 | Reliable and General Route to Inverse Opal Structured Nanohybrids of Carbon-Confined Transition Metal Sulfides Quantum Dots for High-Performance Sodium Storage | ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS | 24.884 | 2018 | 詹红兵 | SCI | 1 |
21 | A facile route to batch synthesis CuO hollow microspheres with excellent gas sensing properties | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS | 2.195 | 2018 | 郑兴华 | SCI | 3 |
22 | Sintering behaviors and microwave dielectric properties of Ti-modified Ba3Ti5Nb6O28 ceramics with 35BaO-35ZnO-30B(2)O(3) addition | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS | 2.195 | 2018 | 郑兴华 | SCI | 3 |
23 | Amino-functionalized magnetic bacterial cellulose/activated carbon composite for Pb2+ and methyl orange sorption from aqueous solution | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 5.04 | 2018 | 温翠莲 | SCI | 1 |
24 | Construction of MOF-derived hollow Ni-Zn-Co-S nanosword arrays as binder-free electrodes for asymmetric supercapacitors with high energy density | NANOSCALE | 6.97 | 2018 | 蔡道平 | SCI | 1 |
25 | Partially removing long branched alkyl side chains of regioregular conjugated backbone based diketopyrrolopyrrole polymer for improving field- effect mobility | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 6.641 | 2018 | 邓平 | SCI | 1 |
26 | Boosting Charge-Transfer Efficiency by Simultaneously Tuning Double Effects of Metal Nanocrystal in Z-Scheme Photocatalytic Redox System | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 4.309 | 2018 | 肖方兴 | SCI | 2 |
27 | High-performance reactive silver-ion adsorption and reductive performance of poly(N-methylaniline) | ADVANCES IN POLYMer TECHNOLOGY | 2.663 | 2018 | 吕秋丰 | SCI | 3 |
28 | Stable phosphate-based glass for low-temperature sealing applications: Effect of Si3N4 dopant | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL | 3.45 | 2018 | 张腾 | SCI | 1 |
29 | Influence of RE and Ni on Microstructure and Properties of Zn20Sn High -temperature Lead-Free Solder | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING | 0.381 | 2018 | 戴品强 | SCI | 4 |
30 | Damage evolution and failure mechanism of thermal barrier coatings under Vickers indentation by using acoustic emission technique | PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL | 3.31 | 2018 | 李强 | SCI | 2 |
31 | Effect of Pd doping on the activity and stability of directly assembled La0.95Co0.19Fe0.76Pd0.05O3-delta cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells | SOLID STATE IONICS | 2.886 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 3 |
32 | Preparation and electrochemical properties of polyaniline/reduced graphene oxide composites | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMer SCIENCE | 2.188 | 2018 | 郑玉婴 | SCI | 3 |
33 | Regioregular and Regioirregular Poly(selenophene-perylene diimide) Acceptors for Polymer-Polymer Solar Cells | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 8.456 | 2018 | 邓平 | SCI | 1 |
34 | Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) tailored porous ceria as a carbon-free support for methanol electrooxidation | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 5.383 | 2018 | 徐峰 | SCI | 2 |
35 | Improving the sealing performance of glass-ceramics for SOFCs applications by a unique 'composite' approach: A study on Na2O-SiO2 glass-ceramic system | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 4.029 | 2018 | 张腾 | SCI | 1 |
36 | Unique Shape Memory Elastomer Associated with Reversible Sacrificial Hydrogen Bonds: Tough and Flexible When below Its T-g | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS | 2.906 | 2018 | 林腾飞 | SCI | 3 |
37 | Fabrication of Low-Cost and Ecofriendly Porous Biocarbon Using Konjaku Flour as the Raw Material for High-Performance Supercapacitor Application | ACS OMEGA | 2.584 | 2018 | 吕秋丰 | SCI | 3 |
38 | Synthesis of Hyperbranched Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) Grafted Chitosan and Its Adsorption for Heavy Metal and Dyes Studied with Spectroscopy | SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS | 0.434 | 2018 | 吕海霞 | SCI | 4 |
39 | Preparation and properties of LSB-doped GDC electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells | IONICS | 2.289 | 2018 | 彭开萍 | SCI | 3 |
40 | Metal-organic framework derived porous ternary ZnCo2O4 nanoplate arrays grown on carbon cloth as binder-free electrodes for lithium-ion batteries | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 8.355 | 2018 | 蔡道平 | SCI | 1 |
41 | Preparation of monodispersed hollow carbon spheres by direct pyrolysis of coal-tar pitch in the presence of aluminum isopropoxide | JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS | 3.47 | 2018 | 林起浪 | SCI | 2 |
42 | Using CaF2:Eu3+ powder as a luminescent probe to detect Cr2O72- ions: a new application on the environmental conservation of an old optical material | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS | 2.673 | 2018 | 李凌云 | SCI | 3 |
43 | Influence of pores on mechanical properties of plasma sprayed coatings: Case study of YSZ thermal barrier coatings | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL | 3.45 | 2018 | 李强 | SCI | 1 |
44 | Construction of hierarchical nickel cobalt selenide complex hollow spheres for pseudocapacitors with enhanced performance | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 5.383 | 2018 | 蔡道平 | SCI | 2 |
45 | Acid Red 27-crosslinked polyaniline with nanofiber structure as electrode material for supercapacitors | MATERIALS LETTERS | 3.019 | 2018 | 李宝铭 | SCI | 3 |
46 | Synthesis of mesoporous crosslinked polyaniline using SDS as a soft template for high-performance supercapacitors | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 3.442 | 2018 | 李宝铭 | SCI | 2 |
47 | Improving the thermal stability of phosphor in a white light-emitting diode (LED) by glass-ceramics: Effect of Al2O3 dopant | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 4.029 | 2018 | 张腾 | SCI | 1 |
48 | Synthesis and conductivity behaviour of Mo-doped La2Ce2O7 proton conductors | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 5.383 | 2018 | 彭开萍 | SCI | 2 |
49 | In-situ investigation on nucleation and propagation of {10-12} twins during uniaxial multi-pass compression in an extruded AZ31 Mg alloy | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING | 4.081 | 2018 | 汪炳叔 | SCI | 2 |
50 | Effects of ammonium tungstate on the properties of insulating coating for grain-oriented silicon steel | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS | 3.507 | 2018 | 王晨 | SCI | 2 |
51 | Effects of B addition on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe-Co-Mo alloys | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 4.175 | 2018 | 王晨 | SCI | 2 |
52 | Tb3+- and Yb3+-doped novel KBaLu(MoO4)(3) crystals with disordered chained structure showing down- and up-conversion luminescence | CRYSTENGCOMM | 3.382 | 2018 | 李凌云 | SCI | 3 |
53 | Self-nitrogen-doped porous biochar derived from kapok (Ceiba insignis) fibers: Effect of pyrolysis temperature and high electrochemical performance | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 5.04 | 2018 | 吕秋丰 | SCI | 1 |
54 | Heterometallic metal-organic framework nanocages of high crystallinity: an elongated channel structure formed in situ through metal-ion (M = W or Mo) doping | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 10.733 | 2018 | 庄赞勇 | SCI | 1 |
55 | Prediction of site occupancy of C15 Laves phase at finite temperature based on quasi-harmonic approximation model | INTERMETALLICS | 3.353 | 2018 | 吴波 | SCI | 2 |
56 | Computational mining of the pressure effect on thermodynamic and thermoelectric properties of cubic Ca2Si | EPL | 1.886 | 2018 | 萨百晟 | SCI | 3 |
57 | A facile self-assembly approach to prepare palladium/carbon nanotubes catalyst for the electro-oxidation of ethanol | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS | 1.449 | 2018 | 温翠莲 | SCI | 4 |
58 | Synthesis, characterisation and protonation of phosphate disubstituted derivatives with pyridyl-functionalized diiron | INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA | 2.433 | 2018 | 温娜 | SCI | 3 |
59 | Comparison of microstructural evolution and oxidation behaviour of NiCoCrAlY and CoNiCrAlY as bond coats used for thermal barrier coatings | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY | 3.192 | 2018 | 李强 | SCI | 2 |
60 | Mesoporous Ca-Mn-O as an efficient scavenger toward organic pollutants and heavy metals: ion exchange provoking ultrafast Fenton-like reaction based on the synergy of alkaline earth/transition metals | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 10.733 | 2018 | 于岩 | SCI | 1 |
61 | Microstructures and thermodynamic properties of high-entropy alloys CoCrCuFeNi | INTERMETALLICS | 3.353 | 2018 | 吴波 | SCI | 2 |
62 | Shape control of core-shell MOF@MOF and derived MOF nanocages via ion modulation in a one-pot strategy | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 10.733 | 2018 | 于岩 | SCI | 1 |
63 | Tetragonal Er3+ -doped (K0.48Na0.48Li0.04)(Nb0.96Bi0.04)O-3: Lead-free ferroelectric transparent ceramics with electrical and optical multifunctional performances | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL | 3.45 | 2018 | 林枞 | SCI | 1 |
64 | Plasmon-Dictated Photo-Electrochemical Water Splitting for Solar-to-Chemical Energy Conversion: Current Status and Future Perspectives | ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES | 4.713 | 2018 | 肖方兴 | SCI | 2 |
65 | Novel Ag@AgCl@AgBr heterostructured nanotubes as high-performance visible-light photocatalysts for decomposition of dyes | CATALYSIS TODAY | 4.888 | 2018 | 于岩 | SCI | 1 |
66 | Effects of N addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy produced by mechanical alloying and vacuum hot pressing sintering | INTERMETALLICS | 3.353 | 2018 | 戴品强 | SCI | 2 |
67 | Rigid-resilient transition in calcium borosilicate sealing glass-ceramics: Effect of preferred orientation | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 4.029 | 2018 | 张腾 | SCI | 1 |
68 | A series of near-infrared rare earth metal-organic frameworks based on a ketone functionalized aromatic tricarboxylate ligand | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS | 1.795 | 2018 | 郭智勇 | SCI | 4 |
69 | Europium ion post-functionalized zirconium metal-organic frameworks as luminescent probes for effectively sensing hydrazine hydrate | RSC ADVANCES | 3.049 | 2018 | 郭智勇 | SCI | 3 |
70 | Co-precipitation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles onto carbon nanotubes for removal of copper ions from aqueous solution | JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS | 3.834 | 2018 | 李凌云 | SCI | 2 |
71 | Fabrication of magnetic iron Oxide@Graphene composites for adsorption of copper ions from aqueous solutions | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS | 2.781 | 2018 | 李凌云 | SCI | 3 |
72 | Capacitive Properties of Ti/Mn(0.8-x)SnxIr0.2O2 Electrodes | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING | 0.381 | 2018 | 邵艳群 | SCI | 4 |
73 | In situ confined conductive nickel cobalt sulfoselenide with tailored composition in graphitic carbon hollow structure for energy storage | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 8.355 | 2018 | 蔡道平 | SCI | 1 |
74 | Balanced design for the feasible super rocket fuels: A first-principle study on gauche CHN7 and CHN3 | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING | 1.863 | 2018 | 吴波 | SCI | 3 |
75 | Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and its derivatives for multifarious photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis | CATALYSIS TODAY | 4.888 | 2018 | 肖方兴 | SCI | 1 |
76 | Plasmon-induced photoelectrochemical water oxidation enabled by in situ layer-by-layer construction of cascade charge transfer channel in multilayered photoanode | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 10.733 | 2018 | 肖方兴 | SCI | 1 |
77 | Insight into the charge transport correlation in Au-x clusters and graphene quantum dots deposited on TiO2 nanotubes for photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 10.733 | 2018 | 肖方兴 | SCI | 1 |
78 | Electrochemical Catalytic Properties of Pt/FeSnO(OH)(5) towards Methanol Oxidation | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY | 0.695 | 2018 | 俞瀚 | SCI | 4 |
79 | Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING | 0.381 | 2018 | 周白杨 | SCI | 4 |
80 | Fabrication and characterization of Nd2-xInxCe2O7 proton-conducting electrolytes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES | 7.467 | 2018 | 彭开萍 | SCI | 1 |
81 | Effect of Gd2O3 doping on structure and boron volatility of borosilicate glass sealants in solid oxide fuel cells-A study on the La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta (LSCF) cathode | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES | 7.467 | 2018 | 张腾 | SCI | 1 |
82 | Fabrication and formation mechanism of carbon foam with two-level cell structure | JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS | 3.47 | 2018 | 林起浪 | SCI | 2 |
83 | Sulfonated Binaphthyl-Containing Poly(arylene ether ketone)s with Rigid Backbone and Excellent Film-Forming Capability for Proton Exchange Membranes | POLYMERS | 3.164 | 2018 | 陈栋阳 | SCI | 2 |
84 | Preparation of novel oxidized mesoporous carbon with excellent adsorption performance for removal of malachite green and lead ion | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 5.155 | 2018 | 林起浪 | SCI | 1 |
85 | A novel 3D conductive network-based polyaniline/graphitic mesoporous carbon composite electrode with excellent electrochemical performance | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES | 7.467 | 2018 | 林起浪 | SCI | 1 |
86 | Enhanced Photoreversible Color Switching of Methylene Blue Catalyzed by Magnesium-doped TiO2 Nanocrystals | JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS | 0.635 | 2018 | 冯苗 | SCI | 4 |
87 | Synthesis of boronate-functionalized organic-inorganic hybrid monolithic column for the separation of cis-diol containing compounds at low pH | ELECTROPHORESIS | 2.754 | 2018 | 吕海霞 | SCI | 3 |
88 | Facile fabrication of durable superhydrophobic silica/epoxy resin coatings with compatible transparency and stability | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY | 3.192 | 2018 | 李湘祁 | SCI | 2 |
89 | Synthesis and characterization of a novel polyurethane curing agent modified by a diazafluorene derivative | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMer SCIENCE | 2.188 | 2018 | 邵艳群 | SCI | 3 |
90 | A covalent organic framework bearing thioether pendant arms for selective detection and recovery of Au from ultra-low concentration aqueous solution | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS | 6.164 | 2018 | 李留义 | SCI | 1 |
91 | Energy storage properties of selectively functionalized Cr-group MXenes | COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE | 2.644 | 2018 | 王欣 | SCI | 3 |
92 | Microstructure evolution of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy during quasi-static tensile | Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals | - | 2018 | 戴品强 | EI | - |
93 | Synthesis of Pt/(Co, Zn)Sn(OH) | Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica | - | 2018 | 俞瀚 | EI | - |
94 | Electronic band structure variations in the Ceria Doped Zirconia: A first principles study | Materials | - | 2018 | 吴波 | SCI | 3 |
95 | Influence of Ta Contents on the Structure and Capacitive Performance of Ti/IrO | Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering | - | 2017 | 邵艳群 | EI | - |
96 | Preparation of Dendritic Mesoporous Silica and Its Antibacterial Properties of Loaded Nano Ag | Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering | - | 2018 | 郑玉婴 | EI | - |
97 | Preparation and Properties of Composites of R-PET and Surface Modified Aramid Fiber | Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering | - | 2018 | 郑玉婴 | EI | - |
98 | Study on microstructure and properties of Zn–20Sn–0.2Ni–xRE solders | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | - | 2019 | 戴品强 | EI | - |
99 | Effects of Sodium Tungstate on Properties of Insulation Coating for Grain-oriented Silicon Steel | Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering | - | 2018 | 王晨 | EI | - |
100 | Behaviors and mechanism of alkali fluorides wetting and melting oxide films on aluminum chips surface | Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals | - | 2018 | 傅高升 | EI | - |
101 | The facile synthesis and bioactivity of a 3D nanofibrous bioglass scaffold using an amino-modified bacterial cellulose template | RSC Advances | 3.049 | 2018 | 温翠莲 | SCI | 3 |
102 | Unraveling the cooperative synergy of zero-dimensional graphene quantum dots and metal nanocrystals enabled by layer-by-layer assembly | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 10.733 | 2018 | 肖方兴 | SCI | 1 |
103 | Preparation of MnO | Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering | - | 2018 | 郑玉婴 | EI | - |
104 | New gallium chalcogenides/arsenene van der Waals heterostructures promising for photocatalytic water splitting | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 4.084 | 2018 | 萨百晟 | SCI | 2区 |
105 | Three-Dimensional Network Architecture with Hybrid Nanocarbon Composites Supporting Few-Layer MoS2 for Lithium and Sodium Storage | ACS Nano | 13.903 | 2018 | 詹红兵 | SCI | 1区 |
106 | Cyclic polarization enhances the operating stability of La0.57Sr0.38Co0.18Fe0.72Nb0.1O3-δ oxygen electrode of reversible solid oxide cells | Journal of Power Sources | 7.467 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 1区 |
107 | In situ fabrication of cellular architecture on silver metals using methane/oxygen gas mixture and its application for energy storage | Electrochimica Acta | 5.383 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 2区 |
108 | In situ formation of Er0.4Bi1.6O3 protective layer at cobaltite cathode/Y2O3-ZrO2 electrolyte interface under solid oxide fuel cell operation conditions | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 8.456 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 1区 |
109 | Cellular Structure Fabricated on Ni Wire by a Simple and Cost-Effective Direct-Flame Approach and Its Application in Fiber-Shaped Supercapacitors, | ChemSusChem | 7.804 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 1区 |
110 | Sulphur poisoning of solid oxide electrolysis cell anodes | Electrochimica Acta | 5.383 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 2区 |
111 | A FIB-STEM study of strontium segregation and interface formation of directly assembled La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ cathode on Y2O3-ZrO2 electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells | Journal of The Electrochemical Society | 3.12 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 2区 |
112 | Interface formation and Mn segregation of directly assembled La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 cathode on Y2O3-ZrO2 and Gd2O3-CeO2 electrolytes of solid oxide fuel cells | Solid State Ionics | 2.886 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 3区 |
113 | Fano Effect and Anti-Resonance Band in a Parallel-Coupled Double Quantum Dot System with Two Multi-Quantum Dot Chains | Chinese Physics Letters | 1.066 | 2018 | 陈孔发 | SCI | 3区 |
114 | DFT Insights into the Role of Relative Positions of Fe and N Dopants on the Structure and Properties of TiO2 | Materials | 2.972 | 2018 | 吴波 | SCI | 3区 |
115 | 高Si掺杂RuO2材料的晶体结构、电子结构和导电性 | 化工学报 | - | 2018 | 王欣 | EI | - |
116 | In situ Etching-induced Self-assembly of Metal Cluster Decorated One-dimensional Semiconductors for Solar-powered Water Splitting: Unraveling Cooperative Synergy by Photoelectrochemical Investigations | Nanoscale | 6.97 | 2018 | 肖方兴 | SCI | 1区 |
117 | From Sr2Nb2O7 to CaxSr2-xNb2O7: an effective enhancement of nonlinear optical activity by a simple way of cation substituting | Crsytal Growth & Design | 4.153 | 2018 | 李凌云 | SCI | 2区 |
118 | Milled flake graphite/plasma nano-silicon@carbon composite with void sandwich structure for high performance as lithium ion battery anode at high temperature | Carbon | 7.466 | 2018 | 吴波 | SCI | 1区 |