姓 名 | 论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 刊号(ISSN,CN) | 年,卷(期):起讫页码 | 主办单位 | 收录情况 | |
1 | 尹志刚 王炳喜 陈桂花 | 多种形貌和晶型8-羟基喹啉铜微纳米材料的简易合成 | 化学学报 | 0567-7351 | 2010, 68(17):1765-1770 | 中国化学会 | sci/4 |
2 | Qilang Lin*,Jintu Li ,Youjie Yang, Zhihuang Xie | Thermal behavior of coal-tar pitch modified with BMI resin | Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis | ISSN:0165-2370 | 2010,87(1):29-33 | Elsevier | SCI/EI |
3 | Qilang Lin*, Haiyan Tang, Danyu Guo, Minzhi Zheng | Preparation and properties of carbon microbeads by pyrolysis of N-phenyl maleimide modified novolac resin | Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis | ISSN:0165-2370 | 2010,87(2):276-281 | Elsevier | SCI/EI |
4 | Qilang Lin*, Ruigang Zheng, Penghui Tian | Preparation and characterization of BMI resin/graphite oxide nanocomposites | Polymer Testing | ISSN: 0142-9418 | 2010,29(5):537-543 | Elsevier | SCI/EI |
5 | Qilang Lin*, Minzhi Zheng, Tao Qin, Rongrong Guo, Penghui Tian | Preparation of solid carbon spheres by pyrolysis of allyl COPNA-BMI resin | Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis | ISSN:0165-2370 | 2010,89(1):112-116 | Elsevier | SCI/EI |
6 | 林起浪*,郑敏枝,覃韬,田鹏辉 | 烯丙基COPNA-BMI树脂微球的制备及表征 | 高分子材料科学与工程 | ISSN:1000-7555 | 2010,26(5):54-56 | 四川大学高分子研究所 | EI |
7 | 李金土,林起浪*,柯余良,田鹏辉 | 烯丙基COPNA-BMI树脂的流变特性研究 | 高分子材料科学与工程 | ISSN:1000-7555 | 2010,26(5):140-142 | 四川大学高分子研究所 | EI |
8 | 李金土,林起浪*,田鹏辉,柯余良 | 烯丙基COPNA-BMI树脂的力学性能研究 | 高分子材料科学与工程 | ISSN:1000-7555 | 2010,26(6):37-39 | 四川大学高分子研究所 | EI |
9 | 郭单余,林起浪*,唐海燕,郑敏枝 | N-PMI改性酚醛树脂基炭微球的结构与电化学性能 | 功能材料 | ISSN:1001-9731 | 2010,41(8):1361-1363 | 重庆仪表材料研究所 | EI |
10 | Teng Zhang, Hai Zhang, Guozheng Li, Hiswen Yung | Reduction of Chromate Formation at the Interface of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Different Additives | Journal of Power Sources | ISSN 0378-7753 | 2010, 195, 6795-6797 | Elsevier | SCI |
11 | Teng Zhang, Dian Tang, Yanqun Shao, and Zhenping Yu | Kinetics of Nanoscale Cerium Dioxide Prepared by Pechini Process | Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance | ISSN 1059-9495 | 2010, 19(8), 1220-1224 | Springer | SCI |
12 | 王晨 | Study on crystallization behavior and microstructure of melt-spun Nd2(Fe,Nb)14B/α-Fe alloys | Journal of Materials Science | 0022-2461 | 2010, 45: 5637-5641 | Springer | SCI、EI |
13 | 吕秋丰, 程贤甦 | 纳米结构苯胺/吡咯共聚物的静态法合成及自组装 | 高分子材料科学与工程 | ISSN:1000-7555;CN:51-1293/06 | 2010,26(1):19-21,25 | 中国石油化工股份有限公司科技开发部;国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部;高分子材料工程国家重点实验室;四川大学高分子研究所(中国.成都) | EI |
14 | Qiufeng Lü(吕秋丰) | Unstirred preparation of soluble electroconductive polypyrrole nanoparticles | Microchimica Acta | ISSN: 0026-3672 | 2010,168(3-4):205–213 | SPRINGER WIEN, SACHSENPLATZ 4-6, PO BOX 89, WIEN, AUSTRIA, A-1201 | SCI |
15 | Qiufeng Lü(吕秋丰), Chunyu Wang , Xiansu Cheng | One-step preparation of conductive polyaniline-lignosulfonate composite hollow nanospheres | Microchimica Acta | ISSN: 0026-3672 | 2010,169(3-4):233–239 | SPRINGER WIEN, SACHSENPLATZ 4-6, PO BOX 89, WIEN, AUSTRIA, A-1201 | SCI |
16 | Qiu-Feng Lü(吕秋丰), Xin-Gui Li,Mei-Rong Huang | Facile preparation and characterization of copolymer nanoparticles from pyrrole and aniline-2-sulfonic acid | Microchimica Acta | ISSN: 0026-3672 | 2010,171(3-4):341-347 | SPRINGER WIEN, SACHSENPLATZ 4-6, PO BOX 89, WIEN, AUSTRIA, A-1201 | SCI |
17 | 叶先锋、吴任平、于岩、巫红平、涂云鑫、黄守松 | et al. Fabrication and Characterization of Diatomite- supported Activated Carbon Functional Ceramic. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry | 结构化学 | 刊号:ISSN 0254-5861 CN35-1112/TQ |
2010. VOL.29 NO.11 1658-1665 |
中国化学会,中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 | SCI |
18 | Yanqiao Jin, Xuemin Ruan, Xiansu Cheng, Lü Qiufeng | Preparation and Characterization of Phenol-Formaldehyde Adhesives Modified with Enzymatic Hydrolysis Lignin | Bioresource Technology | ISSN:0960-8524 | 101 (2010), pp. 2046-2048 | Elsevier | SCI |
19 | Yaodong Zheng,Bo Wu* | Prediction of the site occupations of the ThMn12-type intermetallics YFe12-xMox by combining thermodynamic model with ab initio calculations | Intermetallics | 0966-9795 | 2010,18 : 1465-1469 | ElSEVIER | SCI |
20 | 涂云鑫,颜俊瑜杨香灵,黄守松,吴任平,于岩 | A Study on the structure and behavior of sinter-free material for phosphorous removal from waste water | 结构化学 | ISSN 0254-5861 | 29,2010(11):1717-1723 | 中国化学会 | SCI |
21 | C Zheng, M Feng, HB Zhan* | he synthesis of carbon nanotube based composites with conducting, semiconducting, and insulating coatings and their optical limiting properties | Carbon | 2010, 48, 3750-3759 | Elsevier | SCI收录 | |
22 | M Feng, HB Zhan*, L Miao | Facile assembly of cadmium sulfide quantum dots on titanate nanobelts for enhanced nonlinear optical properties | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2010, 2(4): 1129-1135 | 美国化学会 | SCI收录 | |
23 | M Feng, HB Zhan*, L Miao | Facile solubilization of titanate nanobelts for nonlinear optical investigations | Nanotechnology | 2010, 21:185707-1-6 | 英国皇家物理学会 | SCI收录 | |
24 | M Feng, RQ Sun, HB Zhan, Y Chen | Decoration of carbon nanotubes with CdS nanoparticles by polythiophene interlinking for optical limiting enhancement | Carbon | 2010,48, 1177-1185 | Elsevier | SCI收录 | |
25 | M Feng, HB Zhan, Y Chen | Nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties of graphene families | Applied Physics Letters | 2010, 96, 033107-9 | 美国物理学会 | SCI收录 | |
26 | M Feng, RQ Sun, HB Zhan, Y Chen | Lossless synthesis of graphene nanosheets decorated with tiny cadmium sulfide quantum dots with excellent nonlinear optical properties | Nanotechnology | 2010, 21, 075601-7 | 英国皇家物理学会 | SCI收录 | |
27 | Xu, W. C.; Dai, P. Q.; Wu, X. L. | Deformation behaviour of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni with broad grain size distribution | Materials Science and Technology | ISSN 0267-0836 | 2010 ,26,( 5):. 591-596 | Maney Publishing | SCI、EI |
28 | Xu, Weichang; Dai, Pinqiang; Wu, Xiaolei | Effect of stress-induced grain growth during room temperature tensile deformation on ductility in nano¬crystalline metals | Bulletin of Materials Science | ISSN 0250-4707 | 2010,33( 5):561-568 | Indian Academy of Sciences | SCI、EI |
29 | 郑耀东 戴品强 许伟长 胡树韧 | 电沉积宽晶粒尺寸分布纳米镍的本征拉伸行为 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | ISSN1002-185X CN61-1154/TG | 2010,39(10):1845-1848 | 中国有色金属学会 | SCI、EI |
30 | Pinqiang Dai1, Weichang Xu, Dian Tang | High strength and high ductility in as-deposited nanocrystalline Ni | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, | ISSN 1742-6588 | 2010,240 : 012149-53 | IOPscience | SCI、EI |
31 | 郑耀东,许伟长,戴品强,林芬,陈颖 2010,39(9):1614-1617 | 脉冲电沉积微晶镍、超细晶镍和纳米镍拉伸性能比较 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | ISSN1002-185X CN61-1154/TG | 2010,39(9):1614-1617 | 中国有色金属学会 | SCI、EI |
32 | Xu Weichang, Dai Pinqiang | Tensile Deformation Microstructures and Deformation Behaviours in Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Ni with Broad Grain Size Distribution |
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering |
ISSN1002-185X CN61-1154/TG | 2010, 39( 6), 0953-0957 | ScienceDirect | SCI、EI |
33 | 许伟长,戴品强,郑耀东 | 钴含量对电沉积纳米晶镍钴合金组织与力学性能的影响 | 中国有色金属学报 | ISSN1004-0609 CN43-1238/TG | 2010 ,20 (1 ):92-99 | 中国有色金属学会 | EI |
34 | 周白杨,雷德辉 | 悬臂梁结构Sm-Fe GMFs磁致伸缩及幅频特性 | 中国有色金属学报 | ISSN 1004-0609/CN43-1238/TG | Vol.20 No.7, 2010:1407-1411 | EI | |
35 | 易小红,俞建长* | 水热法合成CdWO3的纳米棒及其光致发光性能 | 硅酸盐学报 | ISSN0454-5648/CN11-2310/TQ | 2010,38(2):211-214 | 中国硅酸盐学会 | EI收录 |
36 | 胡红民,俞建长* | Synthesis of La(3) Doped Nano-TiO2 and Research on Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange | Chinese J. Struct. Chem | ISSN 0254-5861/CODEN JHUADF | 2010,29(3):407-413 | 中国化学会,中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 | SCI收录,为四区 |
37 | 刘桂香, 黄向东*, 郑振环, 李强 | 热压烧结一步法制备Cf/Cu复合材料的组织和性能 | 复合材料学报 | ISSN 1000-3851/CN11-1801/TB | 2010年27卷(1)73~78 | 中国复合材料学会 | EI |
38 | 黄向东,刘桂香,叶学青,李强 | 热压烧结法制备Cf/TiC/Cu复合材料的组织及性能 | 中国有色金属学报 | ISSN 1004-0609/CN 43-1238/TG | 2010年20卷(8)1605~1611 | 中国有色金属学会 | EI |
39 | .FangRun,ChengXiansu | Synthesis of lignin-base cationic flocculant and its application in removing anionic azo-dyes from simulated wastewater | Bioresource Technology | 101 (2010), pp. 7323-7329 | SCI收录 | ||
40 | 阮玉忠 | Effects of Na2SiF6 on Preparing Mullite Material with Sludge from the Aluminum Profile Factory and Pytophyllite | Chinese J.Struct.Chem | CN35-1112/TQ | 2010.(29)10.1562-1566 | 中国化学会.中科院物构所 | SCI收录 |
41 | 阮玉忠 | Effects of BaF2 on Preparing Mullite Material with Sludge from the Aluminum Profile Factory and Pytophyllite | Chinese J.Struct.Chem | CN35-1112/TQ | 2010.(29)11.1697-1701 | 中国化学会.中科院物构所 | SCI收录 |
42 | Xin Wang,Zhongzhi Tang,Dian Tang | Crystal growth kinetics and size controls-Ⅰ.for some active oxides | Chinese Journal of Structural Chemisitry | 2010,29(6):972-976 | SCI收录 | ||
43 | Xin Wang, Zongpin Wei, Dian Tang | Adding tin to prepare IrO2-Ta2O5-SnO2 ternary anode coatings on titanium | 材料热处理学报 | 2010, 31(9):104-106 | EI | ||
44 | 王欣,魏宗平,唐电 | 热处理对活性氧化物晶粒尺寸的影响 | 材料热处理学报 | 2010, 31,(11):7-11 | EI | ||
45 | 邵艳群,郭海燕,唐电等 | RuO2-SiO2粉末的制备及其组织结构表征 | 材料热处理学报 | ISSN 1009-6264 CN11-4545/TG | 2010,31(3):7-11 | 中国机械工程学会主办 | EI |
46 | Xing-Hua Zheng | An effective way to tune the microstructure and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 2010, 505,L10-L14 | Elsevier |