教师姓名 |
郭智勇 |
学科 |
高分子 |
联系方式 | E-mail:g[email protected] |
个人主页: //www.researcherid.com/rid/L-5541-2014 |
个人简历 |
2016/3-至今,福州大学,靠谱的网赌平台 ,闽江学者特聘教授 2015/6-2016/3,阿莫斯特丹大学博士后,合作导师:Rothenberg Gadi 2014/1-2015/4, 弗罗里达州立大学博士后,合作导师: Sourav Saha 2011/8-2013/12, 爱荷华州立大学/阿姆斯国家实验室博士后 合作导师: Huang Wenyu 2010/3-2011/8, 德州大学圣安东尼奥分校博士后 合作导师: Chen Banglin(欧洲科学院院士) 2004/9-2010/1,中科院长春应用化学研究所博士 导师:张洪杰院士 2000/9-2004/7,南京理工大学,高分子材料与工程,本科 |
社会兼职 |
Chemical Communications, Inorganic Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials等多个国际杂志的审稿人 Frontier in Chemistry Review Editor |
荣誉称号 |
闽江学者特聘教授 |
教学情况 |
高分子材料专业相关课程 |
研究领域 |
1)新型多孔材料合成(MOFs、COFs、CMPs)及其光电应用 2)近红外有机发光材料合成及其应用 |
论著成果 |
1. Lin J, Guo Z*, Zhan H. A Robust Phenazine-Containing Organic Polymer as Catalyst for Amine Oxidative Coupling Reactions. J Catal 2020, 10.1016/j.jcat.2020.03.031.. 2. Zhang W, Xu C, Kobayashi T, Zhong Y, Guo Z*, Zhan H, Pruski M, Huang W*. Hydrazone-Linked Heptazine Polymeric Carbon Nitrides for Synergistic Visible-Light-Driven Catalysis. Chemistry – A European Journal 2020, 10.1002/chem.202000934. 3. Wei Z, Zhu B, Cai Y, Yan D, Lou Y, Guo Z*, Deng P*. Near‐Infrared‐Absorbing Diketopyrrolopyrrole‐Based Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles for Photothermal Therapy. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2020, 37(3): 1900433. 4. Wang K, Xiao H, Qian L, Han M, Wu X, Guo Z*, Zhan H*. Diversified AIE and mechanochromic luminescence based on carbazole derivative decorated dicyanovinyl groups: effects of substitution sites and molecular packing. CrystEngComm 2020, 22(12): 2166-2172. 5. Hong H, Guo Z*, Yan D*, Zhan H. A Tröger's base-derived microporous organic polymers containing pyrene units for selective adsorption of CO2 over N2 and CH4. Microporous Mesoporous Mater 2020, 294: 109870. 6. Ge X#, Lou Y#, Su L, Chen B, Guo Z*, Gao S*, Zhang W, Chen T, Song J*, Yang H. Single Wavelength Laser Excitation Ratiometric NIR-II Fluorescent Probe for Molecule Imaging in Vivo. Analytical Chemistry 2020. 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00556. 7. Yan D, Lou Y, Yang Y, Chen Z, Cai Y, Guo Z*, Zhan H, Chen B. Dye-Modified Metal–Organic Framework as a Recyclable Luminescent Sensor for Nicotine Determination in Urine Solution and Living Cell. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019, 11(50): 47253-47258. 8. Xu C, Qian L, Lin J, Guo Z*, Yan D*, Zhan HB. Heptazine-based porous polymer for selective CO2 sorption and visible light photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Microporous Mesoporous Mater 2019, 282: 9-14. 9. Qian L, Hong H, Han M, Xu C, Wang S, Guo Z*, Yan D*. A ketone-functionalized carbazolic porous organic framework for sensitive fluorometric determination of p-nitroaniline. Mikrochim Acta 2019, 186(7): 457. 10. Liu X, Xu C, Yang X, He Y, Guo Z*, Yan D*. An amine functionalized carbazolic porous organic framework for selective adsorption of CO2 and C2H2 over CH4. Microporous Mesoporous Mater 2019, 275: 95-101. 11. Yang Y, Liu X, Yan D, Deng P, Guo Z*, Zhan H. Europium ion post-functionalized zirconium metal–organic frameworks as luminescent probes for effectively sensing hydrazine hydrate. RSC Adv 2018, 8(31): 17471-17476. 12. Yang Y, Liu X, Guo Z*, Zhan H. A series of near-infrared rare earth metal–organic frameworks based on a ketone functionalized aromatic tricarboxylate ligand. Inorg Chem Commun 2018, 92: 18-21. 13. Liang Y, Lan S, Deng P*, Zhou D, Guo Z*, Chen H*, Zhan H. Regioregular and Regioirregular Poly(selenophene-perylene diimide) Acceptors for Polymer-Polymer Solar Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018, 10(38): 32397-32403. 14. Guo Z, Panda DK, Gordillo MA, Khatun A, Wu H, Zhou W*, Saha S*. Lowering Band Gap of an Electroactive Metal-Organic Framework via Complementary Guest Intercalation. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2017, 9(38): 32413-32417. 15. Guo Z#, Panda DK#, Maity K, Lindsey D, Parker TG, Albrecht-Schmitt TE, Barreda-Esparza JL, Xiong P, Zhou W, Saha S*. Modulating the electrical conductivity of metal-organic framework films with intercalated guest [small pi]-systems. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2016, 4(5): 894-899. 16. Guo Z*, Yan D, Wang H, Tesfagaber D, Li X, Chen Y, Huang W*, Chen B*. A three-dimensional microporous metal-metalloporphyrin framework. Inorg Chem 2015, 54(1): 200-204. 17. Guo Z, Su S, Deng R, Zhang H*. An unprecedented ten-connected 3D metal–organic framework based on hexanuclear cobalt(II) cluster building blocks. Inorg Chem Commun 2015, 51(0): 9-12. 18. Guo Z, Song X, Lei H, Wang H, Su S, Xu H, Qian G, Zhang H*, Chen B*. A ketone functionalized luminescent terbium metal-organic framework for sensing of small molecules. Chemical Communications 2015, 51(2): 376-379. 19. Guo Z, Chen B*. Recent developments in metal-metalloporphyrin frameworks. Dalton Trans 2015, 44(33): 14574-14583. 20. Li X#, Guo Z#, Xiao C, Goh TW, Tesfagaber D, Huang W*. Tandem Catalysis by Palladium Nanoclusters Encapsulated in Metal–Organic Frameworks. ACS Catal 2014, 4(10): 3490-3497. 21. Guo Z#, Xiao C#, Maligal-Ganesh RV, Zhou L, Goh TW, Li X, Tesfagaber D, Thiel A, Huang W*. Pt Nanoclusters Confined within Metal–Organic Framework Cavities for Chemoselective Cinnamaldehyde Hydrogenation. ACS Catal 2014, 4(5): 1340-1348. 22. Guo Z, Kobayashi T, Wang LL, Goh TW, Xiao C, Caporini MA, Rosay M, Johnson DD, Pruski M*, Huang W*. Selective host-guest interaction between metal ions and metal-organic frameworks using dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Chem Eur J 2014, 20(49): 16308-16313. 23. Guo Z, Xu H, Su S, Cai J, Dang S, Xiang S, Qian G, Zhang H*, O'Keeffe M, Chen B*. A robust near infrared luminescent ytterbium metal-organic framework for sensing of small molecules. Chemical Communications 2011, 47(19): 5551-5553. 24. Guo Z, Wu H, Srinivas G, Zhou Y, Xiang S, Chen Z, Yang Y, Zhou W*, O'Keeffe M, Chen B*. A Metal–Organic Framework with Optimized Open Metal Sites and Pore Spaces for High Methane Storage at Room Temperature. Angew Chem Int Ed 2011, 50(14): 3178-3181. 25. Guo Z, Yu J, Li G, Si Z, Guo H, Zhang H*. A three-dimensional metal-organic framework based on a triazine derivative: syntheses, structure analysis, and sorption studies. CrystEngComm 2009, 11(11): 2254-2256. 26. Guo Z, Li G, Zhou L, Su S, Lei Y, Dang S, Zhang H*. Magnesium-Based 3D Metal−Organic Framework Exhibiting Hydrogen-Sorption Hysteresis. Inorg Chem 2009, 48(17): 8069-8071. 热烈欢迎有志于从事光电材料研究的同学加入本课题组. |