姓名 |
杨程凯 |
学科 |
材料科学与工程 |
联系方式 |
Email: |
个人主页: |
//www.x-mol.com/people/yangchengkai |
地址: |
福州大学阳光科技楼南909 |
个人简历 |
2010.09 - 2014.07 天津大学 理学院 应用化学 理学学士 2014.09 - 2019.07 北京大学 化学与分子工程学院 理学博士 2019.08至今 福州大学 副教授 |
研究领域 |
研究内容包括锂离子电池,正极材料,锌离子电池,固态电解质,电化学,第一性原理与分子动力学计算,机器学习。以第一或者通讯作者在Adv. Mater., Energy Stor. Mater., Electrochemical Energy Reviews, Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Energy Lett, JMCA, Small, J. Power Sources, J Energy Chem., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Chem. Eng. J.等国际期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇。 研究生课题设置模式如下: 锂(钠)离子电池正极/电解质,锌离子电池正极/电解质,等上述研究内容以及其中细分内容。 计算或者理论(纯理论偏难,不推荐),实验,机器学习或者数据驱动的模型建立及工程相关设计。 如何做取决于同学们的基础情况。 科研在于思考与探索,欢迎乐于思考与探索的同学加入学习,共同研究,如果对相关领域有深入理解可以不限于上述研究。 |
学术兼职 |
功能材料学会年会组委会成员及秘书,福建省硅酸盐学会理事 Journal of Modern Green Energy期刊编委。 Frontiers in Chemistry,Coatings,Journal of Renewable Materials期刊客座编辑。 Angew,Adv. Funct. Mater.,Chem. Eng. J., Energy Storage Materials, Adv. Science等期刊审稿人 |
主持项目 |
主持包括国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金、福州大学科研启动项目、山西省科技厅重点项目及企业横向项目等多个项目。 |
论著成果 |
近两年发表离子电池、储能靠谱的网赌平台相关的文章: 1. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Self‐Adaptive Hierarchical Hosts with Switchable Repulsive Shielding for Dendrite‐Free Zinc‐Ion Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2304535 2. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Boosting Zinc‐Ion Batteries with Innovative Ternary Electrolyte for Enhanced Interfacial Electrochemistry and Temperature‐Resilient Performance, Adv. Funct. Mater. 34 (4), 2310825 3. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Ultrathin Composite Li Electrode for High-Performance Li Metal Batteries: A Review from Synthetic Chemistry. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2213648. 4. Chengkai Yang*, et al. The Anion-Dominated Dynamic Coordination Field in the Electrolytes for High-Performance Lithium Metal Batteries, Energy Storage Materials, Volume 55, 2023, Pages 773-781. 5. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Air-Stable Lithium Metal Anodes: A Perspective of Surface Engineering from Different Dimensions, ACS Energy Letters 8 (10), 4441-4464 6. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Terminal Group-Oriented Self-Assembly to Controllably Synthesize a Layer-by-Layer SnSe2 and MXene Heterostructure for Ultrastable Lithium Storage. Small 2023. 7. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Stable zinc anode with ionic conductive interface layer for high performance aqueous zinc-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal 474, 145981 8. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Spontaneous Desaturation of the Solvation Sheath for High‐Performance Anti‐Freezing Zinc‐Ion Gel‐Electrolyte, Small, 2301569 9. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Highly-chlorinated inert and robust interphase without mineralization of oxide enhancing high-rate Li metal batteries, Chinese Chemical Letters, 108814 10. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Congener-derived template to construct lithiophilic organic-inorganic layer/interphase for high volumetric capacity dendrite-free Li metal batteries, Chinese Chemical Letters 35 (3), 108451 11. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Localized gelation cellulose separators enable dendrite-free anodes for future zinc-ion batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 6522-6529. 12. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Suppressing Side Reaction and Dendritic Growth via Interfacial Cyclization Molecule for Stable Zn Metal Anodes, ACS Applied Energy Materials 7 (1), 61-71 13. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Constructing localized-anion gel-electrolyte with poly (ethyl acrylate/acrylic acid lithium) for flame-retardant lithium metal batteries, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 1-9 14. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Construction of ion-conductive dual-channels by P(EA-co-AALi)-based gel electrolytes for high-performance lithium metal batteries, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 1-7 15. Chengkai Yang*, et al. A Review of Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) and Dendrite Formation in Lithium Batteries. Electrochem. Energy Rev. 6, 7 (2023). 16. Chengkai Yang*, et al. In situ modification by graphidyne as interlayer in titanium dioxide thin film/platinum for water splitting photocatalysis. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 2022. 17. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Regulation of Zinc Interface by Maltitol for Long-Life Dendrite-free Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries,Journal of Electronic Materials, 2022, 51, 4763-4771 18. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Advanced Research on Energy Storage Materials and Devices, Coatings 2022, 12(7), 971; //doi.org/10.3390/coatings12070971 19. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Utilizing an Oxygen-Rich Interface by Hydroxyapatite to Regulate the Linear Diffusion for the Stable Solid-State Electrolytes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 29, 33392–33399 20. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Rapid internal conversion harvested in Co/Mo dichalcogenides hollow nanocages of polysulfides for stable Lithium-Sulfur batteries, Chem. Eng. J. Volume 434, 2022, 134498. 21. Chengkai Yang, et al. Ultrathin Aluminum Nanosheets Grown on Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Lithium Ion Batteries. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 2109112. 22. Chengkai Yang*, et al. Thiophene functionalized porphyrin complexes as novel bipolar organic cathodes with high energy density and long cycle life, Energy Storage Materials, Volume 46, 2022, Pages 252-2587. 23. Chengkai Yang,et al. Hexaoxacyclooctadecane induced interfacial engineering to achieve dendrite-free Zn ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2021. 24. Chengkai Yang,et al. Flame-retardant composite gel polymer electrolyte with a dual acceleration conduction mechanism for lithium ion batteries. Chem. Eng. J. 422, 15 October 2021, 130526. 25. Chengkai Yang,et al. Bulk and surface degradation in layered Ni-rich cathode for Li ions batteries: Defect proliferation via chain reaction mechanism, Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 35: 62-69. 26. Chengkai Yang, et al. In situ TEM revealing the effects of dislocations on lithium-ion migration in transition metal dichalcogenides, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 58, 2021, 280-284. |