刘明权,讲师,硕士生导师。长期从事高性能二次电池电极材料的结构调控以及界面性质的研究,包括钠离子电池、锌离子电池、超级电容器等。目前累计发表SCI论文20余篇,其中第一作者(含共同一作)在在Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Energy Letters、Electrochemical Energy Reviews、InfoMat等国际期刊上发表SCI论文10篇,1 篇ESI高被引论文,Energy Material Advances期刊审稿人。
E-Mail: [email protected]
2012-2016,东北林业大学,靠谱的网赌平台 ,学士
2019-2023,北京理工大学,靠谱的网赌平台 ,博士
2023年7月起,福州大学靠谱的网赌平台 ,新能源材料与工程研究院,教师
[1] 北京理工大学研究生国家奖学金(2018,2022)
[2] 北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文育苗基金(2023)
[3] 北京理工大学优秀毕业生(2019,2023)
[4] 北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文(2023)
[1] Liu M, Wu F, Gong Y, Li Y, Li Y, Feng X, Li Q, Wu C, Bai Y. Interfacial catalysis enabled layered and inorganic-rich SEI on hard carbon anodes in ester electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries. Advanced Materials, 2023, 2300002.
[2] Liu M, Wang Y, Wu F, Bai Y, Li Y, Gong Y, Feng X, Li Y, Wang X, Wu C. Advances in carbon materials for sodium and potassium storage[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(31): 2203117.
[3] Wu F, Liu M, Li Y, Feng X, Zhang K, Bai Y, Wang X, Wu C. High-mass-loading electrodes for advanced secondary batteries and supercapacitors[J]. Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 2021, 4(2): 382-446. (导师一作)
[4] Liu M, Wu F, Zheng L, Feng X, Li Y, Li Y, Bai Y, Wu C. Nature-inspired porous multichannel carbon monolith: molecular cooperative enables sustainable production and high-performance capacitive energy storage[J]. InfoMat, 2021, 3(10): 1154-1170. (SCI一区Top,IF:24.798)
[5] Li Y(#), Liu M(#), Feng X (#), Li Y, Wu F, Bai Y, Wu C. How can the electrode influence the formation of the solid electrolyte interface? [J]. ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 6(9): 3307-3320. (共同一作)
[6] Liu M, Wu F, Bai Y, Li Y, Ren H, Zhao R, Feng X, Song T, Wu C. Boosting sodium storage performance of hard carbon anodes by pore architecture engineering[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(40): 47671-47683.
[7] Liu, M.; Xu, M.; Xue, Y.; Ni, W.; Huo, S.; Wu, L.; Yang, Z.; Yan, Y.M., Efficient Capacitive Deionization Using Natural Basswood-Derived, Freestanding, Hierarchically Porous Carbon Electrodes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (37), 31260-31270.
[8] Liu M, Wu F, Feng X, Wang Y, Zheng L, Li X, Li Y, Gong Y, Bai Y, Wu C. Molecular engineering toward sustainable development of multiple-doped hierarchical porous carbons for superior zinc ion storage[J]. Science China Materials, 2023, 66(2): 541-555.
[9] Guo S(#), Liu M(#), Yang H, Feng X, Bai Y, Wu C. CoSnO3/C nanocubes with oxygen vacancy as high-capacity cathode materials for rechargeable aluminum batteries[J]. Green Energy & Environment 2023, 8 (3), 883-892. (共同一作)
[10] Liu, M.; Huo, S.; Xu, M.; Wu, L.; Liu, M.; Xue, Y.; Yan, Y.M., Structural engineering of N/S co-doped carbon material as high-performance electrode for supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 274, 389-399.